He did toilet(no.2) He ate almost a whole can of wet food w/ only one drop of med.He is sleeping all day and more active

He has eaten a half can of wet food and 1/8 cup of dry food.Water bowl was flipped.He can play with feather stick now.

7:30 a.m.Found his toilet (no.2) in his litter box!! It was a little soft but a good amount.Once he uses a litter box, the litter

Still waiting for the call from SVACA to give the info to the Vet. So they know that his ownership has changed. Then he can
Photo courtesy: Kristine

He peed inside the litter box for the first time this morning. It was a lot! It is almost 3~4 times bigger than mochi’s.He ate

His blood glucose level is within the range! That was probably due to the stress he underwent. He does not have to get insulin treatment.

She knows somebody is in the office which is the brightest warmest room in the house. She usually sleeps there but can not access to

Cha-san looks at me with big round eyes. 12:10 a.m. He drank water. When he gets up and changing position, he does not have covers