He did a toilet (no. 2) today.
It seems like every three days.
He often climbs under the blanket.
He must be enjoying the warmth in it.
Good for Mochi, She can sneak his food easier (but she was caught and missed it.).
Mama-san cut his left over fan (she calls it “a fan” 🙂 ) from his butt area.
Aww I’m so grateful he has learned how to cover himself and likes his cozy blanket:)
thank you so much for keeping his care & hair so nice. Aww Mochi is learning the perks of the new housemate ?
There were nice boxes and blankets at the parking lot, but he never went into them. He finally learn how to use them 🙂
Mochi is very skittish and still hisses at him. I started to give her treats when she comes in the room where Diamond is. I hope she will be used to be around Diamond 🙂