Sometimes we don’t know if he is on the bed or not unless we see his tail.He likes digging into his bed a lot.?
Category: Cha-san

He comes out of his room every night.Today, He leans into his new friend?

Mochi gets her breakfast from an auto feeder at 6:50 a.m. every morning.She stands by her feeder early, long before.Drama happens when Cha-san comes out

Time flies. Already a month since he is here. mama-san combed some floating scab out of him.Everyday, so grateful that Cha-san is not getting cold

Cha-san got a gift and the message as below. We Love you Diamond Cha-san! So glad you are doing well. 🙂 Take good care and

Cha-san had lived in a parking lot at least for 16 years.Living as a wild cat makes his paw rough.They are hard like rocks compare
According to Cornell University, College of Veterinary Medicine site, Hyperesthesia is an extreme sensitivity in an area of a cat’s skin, almost always on the

Last night He finally started to eat wet food with no assist.Much easier~?
This morning, Cha-san came out from his room, sniffing around the cat tree, and went back to his room.He then started to growling and hissing