He is very warm and cozy. Thank you, Patricia~? To be continued..
Author: sango
Cha-san has a restricted diet.He eats k/d wet food for his kidney.He eats it although he prefers regular wet food. When dinner is provided, mama-san
Cha-san lives in the dining room now since mama-san puts a new rug in his room.It might have some off-gassing making it smell…Also, mama-san turns
Cha-san seems comfortable in the house now.He does not howl anymore even after he gets close to Mochi?They know how to keep a distance from
Recently, it has been really cold , windy, rainy and wet at night so mama-san turns the heat-dish higher than usual.Cha-san likes the heater and
mama-san used to put pet sheets on the floor but Cha-san does not need medical support anymore. So he got a new rug in his

Compare to the ones with Mochi and Kenzo, his paw is big~.
Cha-san used to be fed many times a day at the parking lot.So he eats a little bit at a time over the day and