11:00 a.m.He drank water when he came here, but has not eaten at all since then.His temperature was 89-90F yesterday. It is 92-93F this morning.He
Author: sango
Hello, my name is sango. I've been living in California for 20 years. I love animals especially cats?.
I have two cats, Mochi and Kenzo.
Recently adopted Cha-san (Diamond) who was a wild cat, living in the neighborhood parking lot for 16 years. He was taken by SVACA to be cleaned up and returned, but they decided on euthanasia instead.
Neighbors helped him and now he lives with us?.
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKwxxxm0f2e9kot_sgb9DHw

He is 3 y.o. He was adopted on the Christmas Day in 2019. He is like a Ninja, he jumps around chasing bugs, runs like

Mochi is approximately 11 y.o. She was found at dumpster and brought to the shelter when she was 3. Someone adopted her once but returned

He lived in the parking lot for 16 years. His approximate age could be around 17-19 y.o. He survived in hot/cold/rainy/stormy days outside.. He is