When mama-san washes his blanket, she usually puts a small blanket on him to not get cold.She did not have one today, so she put
Author: sango
Hello, my name is sango. I've been living in California for 20 years. I love animals especially cats?.
I have two cats, Mochi and Kenzo.
Recently adopted Cha-san (Diamond) who was a wild cat, living in the neighborhood parking lot for 16 years. He was taken by SVACA to be cleaned up and returned, but they decided on euthanasia instead.
Neighbors helped him and now he lives with us?.
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKwxxxm0f2e9kot_sgb9DHw
On cold mornings, Cha-san knew where he could get sunlight.So he waited for his breakfast in the sun.He seemed to appreciate the sunlight in the
mama-san wanted to make Cha-san warm in winter. She brought a small, but big enough for Cha-san to sit, piece of carpet insole and put
On cold mornings, he used to wait for breakfast in the sun..
He is on his bed most of the day.He usually explores in the morning and night.When mama-san does Zoom Zumba in the morning, he comes
A year ago, mama-san made a box wrapped around with tape, so it won’t get wet.Placed the dry food to invite him in.He went only