Cha-san comes out of his room and explores more often now.
Mochi used to hiss at him when he comes to her.
However when it comes to food, she is aggressive and is not afraid of him?
She is a big eater and always looking for food.
She comes into Cha-san’s room and sneaks his food.
She doesn’t care how close she is to him.
Cha-san also does not mind that Mochi is eating his food. He let her eat.
So she is more comfortable being around Cha-san now.
Today, Cha-san was very close to her but she didn’t hiss.
The relation between Mochi and Cha-san is improving.

Aw I love them all & grateful they are working on accepting him! I pray peace for them all ??? good job everyone, improving!
Thank you~???